Тут рыбы нет: треть опрошенных студентов планирует эмигрировать из России при возможности

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Власти решили исследовать настроение у учащихся в ВУЗах, заказав социологический опрос у студентов. Среди организаторов исследования — ВЦИОМ, Минобрнауки, Минпросвещения и Томский государственный университет.
Тут рыбы нет: треть опрошенных студентов планирует эмигрировать из России при возможности
Иллюстрация: Вера Ревина/Клерк.ру
Первый этап опроса прошел с 10 по 28 апреля 2023 года, остальные этапы планируют провести до осени этого года.
Так вот, результаты получились неутешительными, но они однозначно заставляют задуматься о том, все ли пошло по плану.
Так вот — треть опрошенных студентов хотели бы уехать из страны после обучения, 50% считают, что в стране серьезный кризис и упадок.
Если говорить о настрое опрошенной молодежи, то 36% испытывают тревогу и беспокойство, 25% — надежду, 20% — возмущение и разочарование, и лишь 12-14% — гордость за страну.
В качестве приоритетов развития страны большинство высказались за улучшение качество жизни и поддержки граждан во всех сферах, и лишь 13% отметили, что силы и ресурсы нужно направлять на военные цели.

Наибольшее желание уехать из страны выразили студенты Высшей Школы Экономики — таких там оказалось 58%. Вопрос о том, поддерживают ли студенты действия президента — организаторы им и вовсе решили не задавать.
В ВШЭ учатся довольно обеспеченные студенты, поэтому большинство из них действительно сможет продолжить обучение за рубежом или найти там себе оплачиваемую стажировку с помощью родителей.

Почему данные опроса оказались такими неутешительными​

1. Фактор денег и перспектив​

Скажем прямо, найти работу студентам без опыта на приемлемые деньги и раньше-то было не так-то просто, а сейчас задача усложняется в разы.
И пусть многие твердят о дефиците молодых кадров на предприятиях, когда речь заходит о найме бывшего студента без опыта, работодатели в очередь за ним не выстраиваются, как ни крути.

2. Карьерные возможности в международных компаниях​

К тому же, многие студенты планировали начать карьеру в международных компаниях (с возможными командировками, стажировками, обменом опытом), а теперь все эти планы накрылись медным тазом. Не все международные компании, конечно же, ушли с рынка, но возможностей определенно стало меньше.

3. Фактор неопределенности​

Сейчас мало кто может сказать, когда закончится кризис. И я отлично помню то время, когда я заканчивала ВУЗ. Будучи студентом, хочется легкости, а не преодолений кризисного периода.
Когда тебе 30-35+ и за плечами уже есть солидный опыт работы, несколько проще адаптироваться и воспринимать кризис как время новых возможностей.

Будут ли учтены данные опроса студентов в каких-либо созидательных целях корректировке внешней политики​

Я не удивлюсь, если в ВШЭ и других ВУЗах, где процент желающих эмигрировать превысил среднее значения, начнутся «чистки» и поиски виновных среди педагогического состава — на тему того, почему студенты недостаточно патриотично настроены.
Хотелось бы других результатов и изменений, но пока верится с трудом. Посмотрим, какими будут более поздние исследования.


The authorities have decided to study the mood of students in universities by commissioning a sociological survey. Among the organizers of the study are VCIOM, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Education, and Tomsk State University.

The first stage of the survey took place from April 10 to 28, 2023, and the remaining stages are planned to be conducted before the end of this year.

The results were not comforting, but they definitely make you think whether everything went according to plan. So, one-third of the surveyed students would like to leave the country after finishing their studies, 50% believe that there is a serious crisis and decline in the country.

If we talk about the mood of the surveyed youth, then 36% are experiencing anxiety and concern, 25% hope, 20% are outraged and disappointed, and only 12-14% are proud of the country.

Most expressed the priorities for the country's development to improve the quality of life and support citizens in all areas, and only 13% noted that forces and resources should be directed towards military purposes.

The students of the Higher School of Economics expressed the greatest desire to leave the country — 58% of them. The organizers decided not to ask the students if they support the actions of the president.

Students of the Higher School of Economics are quite well-off, so most of them will actually be able to continue their education abroad or find a paid internship there with the help of their parents.

Why the survey results were so disappointing:

1. The money and prospects factor

Frankly speaking, finding a job for students without experience for acceptable money was not that easy in the past, but now the task is several times more complicated. And despite the fact that many people talk about the shortage of young professionals in enterprises, when it comes to hiring a former student without experience, employers do not line up for him.

2. Career opportunities in international companies

In addition, many students planned to start their careers in international companies (with possible business trips, internships, exchange of experience), but now all these plans have fallen through. Not all international companies, of course, have left the market, but there are definitely fewer opportunities.

3. The factor of uncertainty

Nowadays, few people can say when the crisis will end. And I remember that time when I graduated from university very well. As a student, you want to feel lightness, not overcoming a crisis period. When you are 30-35+ and already have solid work experience, it is a little easier to adapt and perceive the crisis as a time of new opportunities.

Will the results of the student survey be taken into account for constructive purposes in correcting foreign policy?

I would not be surprised if at HSE and other universities where the percentage of those wishing to emigrate exceeded the average values, there will be "purges" and searches for those responsible among the teaching staff — on the topic of why students are not patriotic enough.

I would like to see different results and changes, but I find it hard to believe for now. Let's see what later studies will show.

Source ( )

The authorities have decided to study the mood of students in universities by commissioning a sociological survey. Among the organizers of the study are VCIOM, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Education, and Tomsk State University.

The first stage of the survey took place from April 10 to 28, 2023, and the remaining stages are planned to be conducted before the end of this year.

The results were not comforting, but they definitely make you think whether everything went according to plan. So, one-third of the surveyed students would like to leave the country after finishing their studies, 50% believe that there is a serious crisis and decline in the country.

If we talk about the mood of the surveyed youth, then 36% are experiencing anxiety and concern, 25% hope, 20% are outraged and disappointed, and only 12-14% are proud of the country.

Most expressed the priorities for the country's development to improve the quality of life and support citizens in all areas, and only 13% noted that forces and resources should be directed towards military purposes.

The students of the Higher School of Economics expressed the greatest desire to leave the country — 58% of them. The organizers decided not to ask the students if they support the actions of the president.

Students of the Higher School of Economics are quite well-off, so most of them will actually be able to continue their education abroad or find a paid internship there with the help of their parents.

Why the survey results were so disappointing:

1. The money and prospects factor

Frankly speaking, finding a job for students without experience for acceptable money was not that easy in the past, but now the task is several times more complicated. And despite the fact that many people talk about the shortage of young professionals in enterprises, when it comes to hiring a former student without experience, employers do not line up for him.

2. Career opportunities in international companies

In addition, many students planned to start their careers in international companies (with possible business trips, internships, exchange of experience), but now all these plans have fallen through. Not all international companies, of course, have left the market, but there are definitely fewer opportunities.

3. The factor of uncertainty

Nowadays, few people can say when the crisis will end. And I remember that time when I graduated from university very well. As a student, you want to feel lightness, not overcoming a crisis period. When you are 30-35+ and already have solid work experience, it is a little easier to adapt and perceive the crisis as a time of new opportunities.

Will the results of the student survey be taken into account for constructive purposes in correcting foreign policy?

I would not be surprised if at HSE and other universities where the percentage of those wishing to emigrate exceeded the average values, there will be "purges" and searches for those responsible among the teaching staff — on the topic of why students are not patriotic enough.

I would like to see different results and changes, but I find it hard to believe for now. Let's see what later studies will show.

Source ( )
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